Over 260 people attended the eleventh annual Hawai‘i Access to Justice Conference on Friday, June 7, 2019 at the William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai`i, Manoa campus.
Daniel Greenberg, Special Counsel for Pro Bono Initiatives, Schulte Roth & Zabel, a New York City law firm, was a highlight of the conference as the keynote speaker, being entertaining and insightful. He was the President and Attorney-in-Chief for the Legal Aid Society in New York City.
Hawai`i Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald and former Associate Justice Simeon Acoba, Chair of the Commission, provided opening remarks at the conference.
The conference agenda, opening remarks by Justice Simeon Acoba (ret.), and workshop summaries are noted below:
2019 Hawaii Access to Justice Conference agenda
Welcoming remarks of Commission Chair Justice Simeon Acoba (ret.)
Opening Remarks of Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald
Workshop Summary – “Building Trust and Resolving Conflict”
Workshop Summary – “Should We Fear the Future”
Workshop Summary – Justice for All Projects
Workshop Summary – Immigration
Workshop Summary – “Confronting Gender and Language Barriers”
Workshop Summary-“Mediation for Income Gap Group in Divorce”
Workshop Summary – “Legal Planning for the Worst”